The State Secy. alongwith Astt.Secy/Civil, Astt.Secy/CTD(Com.T Dutta),Astt.Zonal Secy/Civil(C/Z) persued the Suptdt. Engg./Civil, Eastern Zone at Yogayoga Bhavan on 27.09.2006 demanding release and repatriation of all theSDEs/Civil from DOP to BSNL at West Bengal.

   Orders have been issued for the payment of Productivity Linked Bonus for the year 2005-06. For Non-Executive Employees the minimum is Rs.7000/ and maximum Rs.25000/- For Executive Employees the minimum is Rs.10000/ and maximum Rs.25000/- .Bonus will also be paid to unabsorbed employees and the Bonus is on the basis of CDA scale for unabsorbed employees. Bonus calculation is 1.4 times the basic pay as on 1-3-2006  for all. Order No.12-8/2006-PAT(BSNL) dated 20-09-2006 >>>>>>>


 The scheduled AGB Meeting of the Central Zone held at CTO HALL on 20.09.06 attended by nearly 400 members. The meeting was addressed by VP/CHQ, St. President, Veteran Com.Subhas Banerjee,Com.H K Das/CWC member and State Secretary. Com. Rabin Halder, Com. Atanu Mondal and Com. Dipankar Mondal elected as President, Secreatary and Treasurer of Central Zone for the next term respectively.Some of the Photographs of the AGB given for the delight of the members. (Photo 1,Photo 2,Photo 3,Photo 4, Photo 5, Photo 6, Photo 7, Photo 8, Photo 9, Photo 10,)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>click here for the list of the elected office bearer of Central Zone


  FLASH NEWS  It is reliably learned that decisions taken by the BSNL Board yesterday regarding the Promotion Policy and Bonus/Exgratia have been approved by Secretary DOT this morning. We are awaiting for further details.


 Meeting held with the GM(Operation/WBTC), DGM(Admn./WBTC) for favourable consideration of the demands of the Executives of WBTC  regarding rearrangement of SDE &  officiating SDE, JTO prayer transfer, EPF balance sheet and confirmation of JTOs , woolen jackets for the Executives, Mobile for Executives of A/T,WBTC . The meeting attended by the VP/CHQ, St.Secy,St.President,Org.Secy/South Bengal,Astt.Secy/Circle.

 One meeting is requested from the GM(OP/West) to discuss the pending agenda of our members for both Howrah and Serampore Zone Click here for the letter


 State Secretary, State President & Com. Basudeb Ganguly/CWC member apprises the PGM(O),CTD for necessity of clearcut guideline/policy obtained for officiating JTOs/JAOs for grant of all benefits at per regular JTOs/JAOs.


 Monthly meeting of South Zone held on 14-09-2006 at Kalighat Telephone Exchange VP/CHQ, St.Secy, Astt.Secy/CTD(Com.Tarakeshwar Dutta),Astt.Secy/Circle, Astt.Secy./ETR, Astt.Secy./TF, Astt.Treasurer, Com.H K Das/CWC member and Zonal Secy.CZ/CWC member. attended that meeting.


   The State Secy.expressed  concern to the GM(Operation/WBTC) mentioning anomalies in regard to benefits and facilities in respect of officiating JTOs/JAOs in WBTC >>>>>>Click here for the letter

  Attention was also invited to the PGM(O),CTD to remove the frustration of officiating JTOs/JAOs regarding payment of BONUS,STATUS,MRS and etc.working in CTD>>>>>>>>>>click here for the letter

 St. Secretary alongwith  Astt.Secy. /ETR and Zonal Secy,CZ/CWC member attended the meeting with the CGM/CTD beside other Association to discuss the arrangement of the office accommodation for existing CTD establishments and DOT cell in the 8, Hare St. Bldg. The CGM/CTD expressed his desire to accommodate both the establishment in the same bldg. by suitable rearrangement.


 Monthly Meeting of Central Zone held on 12-09-2006 at CTO Hall VP/CHQ, St. Secy, Org.Secy/South Bengal,  Astt.Secy Circle,  Astt.Secy ETR, Astt. Secy Electrical, St.Treasurer, St. Astt. Treasurer and Com. H K Das(CWC member) attended that meeting. Com.T L Majumder (DE/HCU,CTD) our beloved member adressed the house regarding various problems and solution of BSNL/ MRS .


    State Secretary & State President had a discussion on 12-09-2006 with DGM(Admn./CTD) for the TES(Gr-B) Officers whose names are not found in the seniority list.>>>>>>> click here for the missing names.


    Due to timely & hectic pursuation of our Association the order of Payment of perks to officiating JTOs/JAOs in  CTD has been issued. >>>Click Here For The Order


  Meeting held with the Pr.Ch.Eng.(CIVIL)  at YOGAYOG BHAWAN on 08.09.06 to discuss the transfer & posting order for the SDEs repatriated from Postal Wing. While the Asson. pursued for immediate posting order at BSNL, the PCE (civil) agreed to address the SE (Post) to release the concerned SDEs from the DOP. The meeting was attended by the V.P,CHQ, St.Secy.,St.President,Zonal Secy(C/Z)/CWC member,Divn.Secy(Civil).
   As scheduled meeting held with the Chief Engineer (Electrical) in his chamber on 07-09-2006 to discuss the problem related to executives working under Electrical wing.The meeting was attended by State Secretary , Astt.Secy. (Electrical) and Zonal  Secy(C/Z)/CWC member.


 State Secretary addressed to the Chief Engineer (Electrical),Kolkata on 06-09-2006 regarding problem related to Executives working under Electrical wing.  >>>>>> Click here for the letter


 Consequent upon issuance of order in regard to payment of perks to the Executives, some doubt has been raised in certain quarters of administration in regard to entitlement of perks to officiating JTOs/JAOs. In this matter , Association strongly pursued with the administration of both WBTC and CTD and convincingly made it clear that the officiating JTO/JAOs are entitled to get the perks as they discharge the same  duties and responsibilities as that of a regular JTO/JAO.   


  State Secretary addressed to the Pr. Chief Engineer(Civil),    West Bengal Zone On 05-09-2006 for absorption of the SDEs in the BSNL establishment repatriated from postal department.     >>>>>>>       Click here for the letter


  State Secretary alongwith st.President, Org.Secy./South Bengal and Asstt.Secy./Circle had an elaborate discussion with   DGM(Admn./WBTC) on 05-09-2006 regarding prayer transfer cases of JTOs, pending prayer cases of SDEs, Rule-38 cases and Officiating arrangement in the cadre of SDEs etc.


  Divisional meeting of Electrical Division(Central Zone) held on 02-09-2006 at TBZ Recreation Club, Org.Secy.,CTD,  Asstt.Secy.,Electrical,  Asstt.secy., Circle  and  Central zone  President,  Zonal Secy., Org.Secy. attended this meeting